Thursday, February 15, 2007

need some action!!

im getting ansty. i need some action. some postive male attention. i want to be desired, admired and longed after.
im off to do some shopping



some ppl are soo hard headed and set in their ways that they cant accept or receive new ideas from ppl even if the ideas are right and they are wrong.
boys are cute and i like them.
rain is awesome and it rained heaps today, so i did the immature thing and stood in the rain in a pink dress that went see-through. it was heaps of fun and somthing i havent done in a long time (stupid drought!)
so yeah, i dont think i will pursue lesbian encounters anymore...boys are better and there are few cuties around work and stuff, i dont think anything will happen, but there is nothing wrong with wishful thinking! lol
there is a guy at work who is nice and says hi, but i wont be working for a while so i wont get to see him...i just want to have a random getting with, i couldnt handle a relationship atm, too fried and stuffed from the last one and uni is going to be full on this year! wish me luck! lol.
at the CPR course i did tonight i happened to know more than most of the ppl there and some stuff the teacher didnt know cos im a nursing student, and it was frustrating to have to keep my mouth shut when i knew the answers. i hate doing that, especially when i know im right!
i love being right and knowing the answers. i have a good memory too so that helps. some ppl suffer a bit from tall poppy syndrome and are intimidated by my good marks, easy understanding and dedication to stufff. i cant help but work hard. i only have two settings off and on, no in between of 'yeah, ill just plod along and get mediocre grades'. i have to be getting A's or nothing. it can be frustrating.
last semester at uni i went to every lecture. i think i missed like 3 for the whole semester and i was really proud of that, i ended up get 92% for one of the subjects.

anyway, my arms and hands are cramping up from typing so fast....hope you all are well. leave a comment please.


Monday, February 12, 2007


hey, hows it going?
im pretty good. i feel really peaceful about going back to uni and seeing my ex. im ready, im over him, im confident within my own skin and im ready to take on the world. its a good feeling. it came after i read a book about four girls who were going through a situation similar to mine and so it was good therapy in a way, reading about how they got through it all.
it took me a long tiime to get over my ex, cos he was my first i guess. we werent together very long but it hurt when we broke up. he was a bit weak and didnt do the breaking, i did, which was tough.
ive found new confidence to trust myself and i dont need others to validate how i feel and make me feel worthy, which has taken a long time to develop. i've also had to work through being confident enough to stand up for what i believe in even if im the only one who feels that way. you know what i mean?

anyway, i feel pretty good about quite a few things. the photos i got done tho didnt turn out the way i wanted and i was disappointed about that i nearly cried, but i held that in and told the photographer i didnt like his pictures, which was a good feeling. i could tell him exactly how i felt without worrying about his feelings, its his job to expect critisism and disappointment.
im not sure where i will go to get the photo i want. i think my dad is going to do a bit iffy...anyway. more important things to worry about.


Thursday, February 8, 2007

am i a bad person?

last night all i dreamt about was sex...very strange to wake up and remember what happened....

also, i ordered a copy of sex for one from amazon and its coming in 4-6 weeks, 8 at the most. im kinda excited and kinda not. i think that it was not such a good idea. what am i going to say when my mum wants to know what i bought? i bourght another book to put in its place when it that bad of me?
i bought some little white pots the other day and i yesterday i got some flowers for them. hopefully they live! lol. also pretty and pink is my vibrator.
i still feel bad about ordering the sex book. i guess ill have to worry about that when it comes in the mail. i also get fear of flying, which should be good.
am i spending too much time thinking about sex and me and masturbation? is this bad or wrong? im a little confused. i want to be happy with myself but im not sure if this is the right thing to be doing......
i joined my local fire brigade the other week and last night we had training and i got to ride in the back of the truck and skirt the hose. it was heaps of fun! and i got all new gear like a helmut and bright yellow overalls. should be lots of fun and the ppl are good too.
ok thats all for now. im going to exercise or read or something.
hope you all are warm and happy.
oh, im going out tonight cos one of my close friends is moving to china and its her last night out on the town...hopefully it is good :) ill let you know...

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

all about my toy

aloha fellow bloggers!!
where do i start? i have used my pink vibrator about 4 or 5 times since i bought it, which is like once a day! i particularly like using it in the shower, i specifically got one that was waterproof, didnt want to get hurt lol. so yeah, i have worked out the settings and mostly just use the vibrating clit tickler cos the moving penis bit (is that what is called?) doesnt do much for me. im still working out what feels good.
in the shower i hold the vibe between my legs with the back of the dolphin shaped clit tickler pressed against my clit obviously. that feels good and i can wash my hair at the same time! nice! ive used it in bed a couple of times, when im home alone. it feels really good, but i feel like i dont know how to orgasm. i feel like all theis energy is building up and i dont know what to do with it or how to release it, so i stop. i cant go for very long, only about 10 mins. i kinda get bored sometimes and other times i feel like ive reached my limit. i guess it just takes practice and time and learning what feels good.
ill keep at it and maybe one day i will cum. heres hoping!
i was thinking of getting the book sex for one by betty dobson (i think thats her name), maybe that will help. any ideas?
ill keep trying and let you know how it goes....maybe ill put a pic of it on here....

night! xxoo